EMDR Therapy Intensives

heal . restore . renew

What is an EMDR Intensive

An EMDR Therapy Intensive is an accelerated, short-term approach to trauma therapy. Intensives provide an efficient and effective way for individuals to process traumatic memories and to resolve many of the impacts that those experiences continue to have on their present-day lives.

The use of longer sessions creates a therapeutic environment in which progress builds on itself, allowing treatment gains to amplify and consolidate. With less time spent opening and closing sessions, Intensives allow more time for focused trauma work. Participants are often able to process past trauma and difficulties to completion, which may otherwise take months or years in weekly therapy.

Format and Logistics

EMDR Intensives begin with a 60-minute Intake Session. During this session, we will identify your needs and goals for treatment, determine if an Intensive is right for you at this time, and craft a plan for your Intensive. You will receive an estimated number of needed Intensive processing sessions, and we will collaborate on a schedule that works for you.

Intensive Processing Sessions are the heart of the EMDR Intensive process. These 3-hour sessions are focused on using EMDR to process traumatic memories. Clients participate in an average of 3-4 Intensive sessions, which are typically scheduled weekly.

Two weeks after the final Intensive Processing Session, clients conclude their EMDR Intensive with a 60-minute Integration Session.

Who is Right for an Intensive Approach

EMDR Intensives are for individuals (age 16+) who are ready for deep healing and restoration — and who are motivated to dive deeply into the hard work of trauma therapy in order to see fast results.

Good candidates for an Intensive have often experienced one or more of the following:

  • Recognition that past trauma is at the root of current struggles.

  • The personal and relational “costs” of not changing have become too great to bear — Change can’t come quickly enough.

  • Traditional “talk therapy” has not produced desired results. Insight and self-awareness aren’t enough to get unstuck from unhelpful patterns of thinking, feeling, and acting.

  • Finding time for weekly therapy sessions isn’t feasible.

  • Current therapy is supportive but not able to address trauma-related needs. (An intensive can occur in addition ongoing therapy.)

  • A desire to heal from a recent upsetting or traumatic event to address early symptoms of Acute Stress or PTSD.

  • Not currently struggling with active suicidality or substance dependence.

Fee Structure

Intake Session (60 minutes) - $215

Intensive Processing Sessions (3 hours) - $650

Integration & Closure Session (60 minutes) - $215

succulents; roots; healing from trauma; EMDR

“Time doesn’t heal. It’s what you do with the time.”

- Dr. Edith Eva Eger

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